Tuesday, 17 September 2013

When the appetite goes...

   As a mum, I find it so worrying when Tyler goes off his food, and these past few weeks he has! The past two days he has had small meals and still only eaten half but it is better than nothing.
  The past TWO weeks or so, Tyler has eaten virtually nothing due to teething and a viral infection, amongst other reasons. And yes, his teeth are still playing up as his teeth still haven't cut at the sides or back and there is no end in sight. He is also restless, grumpy and no longer sleeping through. We are all very tired in the household that is run by Master Tyler.

   So, that's why my blog posts have been none existent or very scarce with not much detail or pictures for a while. I don't see them being any more frequent to be honest, not much improvement despite the viral infection being well and truly passed on to his mummy.

   The problem we had with the eating was that Tyler got grumpy quick while he had the infection, which meant he would not be in his high chair without getting restless, frustrated or down right hysterical. I tried sitting him on the sofa with sandwiches, but that still didn't work. What did get a little bit into his system? Snacks during his happy times playing. Few and far between was the play but he was happy when he was so it was then I offered him his juice and snacks.

   What is in a healthy snack that will provide him with some much needed energy? Here are the top snacks that actually tickled his taste buds and kept him going:

  • dried apricots; fibre, vitamins, sugar (quick release energy)
  • toast with jam; carbohydrate, sugar
  • banana; potassium, fibre
  • raisins; sugar, fibre
  • babybells; calcium, fat

   Obviously I tried his regular meals as normal with failed attempts but the important thing I realised was to keep trying because if he ever did get his appetite back something filling and substantial would be there ready for when he was. This did pay off in the end, on occasions, we are still trying to get the appetite back properly.

   And I hear you ask, that is all very well and good for tackling a viral infection but what about teething? Ahah! Soft, cold and easy to eat are the keys to teething babies.

   What I make Tyler varies between omelette, ice cream, cold blueberries, cold strawberries, chili-less chilli con carne, soft flaky fish, sweet potato wedges, fromaige frais, bananas, carrot sticks (fridge) and baked beans would you believe!

   It is a tough time for any mum or dad not knowing what to do for the best apart from teething gel, teething rings, calpol and cuddles. Just remember that it is not forever and it will pass. Rise above the frustration, let the cleaning slide and just be on cuddle duty, you might even enjoy the closeness you can provide your little one.

I hope to get back to blogging son, I miss writing creative recipes very much.

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