Toad in the Hole
Toad in the hole has always been one of my favourite dishes and proves to be a firm family favourite. Right, I have a confession, I cannot make homemade batter to save my life so I use Asda smart price batter mix and at only 7p a packet and you only have to add a beaten egg and 200ml cold water, it is a great time and money saver. Yes I am aware of added ingredients, but it won't hurt every now and again if you are short of time and money.
This dish will provide, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin C and fibre amongst other things.
Tyler's Personal Portion
- Battermix (7p, Asda)
- 6 Sausages (89p, 12 pack, Lidl)
- Oil (89p, Lidl)
- 1 can Baked Beans (17p, Aldi)
The Not-so Nitty Gritty
- Pre-heat the oven to 220 degrees
- Drizzle oil into a small roasting pan and place in the oven
- Fry sausages until a light brown
- Make up your batter mix, or your homemade batter if you have greater apt for these types of things
- Remove the pan from the oven and pour in the batter mix.
- Put the sausages in the pan too and space out evenly.
- Start cooking the beans 5 minutes or so before the end of the oven cooking time
- Cook for 20 - 30 minutes.
- Take out and cut up and serve with baked beans
Mummy size portion, daddy wouldn't let me take a picture of his, he thinks it's unhealthy for me to be obsessed with photographing food. I majorly disagree.
What Little Monster Made of it
Well, well, well! I have never seen his plate clear so quick. Ate the batter first, sausage second and beans last. All by hand as we are having some fork issues at the moment. A nice strawberry rice pudding to follow and all was well. Not much else to say really, was eaten, seemed to be enjoyed, cheap and quick enough for success!
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