Thursday, 22 August 2013

Making Breakfast More Interesting

Alternative Breakfasts
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but what if your little one just does not like breakfast? Well I've got some handy tips and two meals to try.
The Keys To Successful Breakfasts:
  1. Try giving breakfast an hour or two after their first milk. If they are too hungry they are likely to be more fussy with their foods and if they are too full from milk they aren't going to be interested in what you offer them.
  2. Try different things everyday, eating the same things gets way too boring for adults so imagine how boring it would be for little ones who need their attention captivating all the time.
  3. If there are a couple of different foods on your babies' breakfast plate, try mixed them up so it looks different and a combination of textures... see the second meal for an idea of what I'm on about.
  4. If breakfast doesn't work, try a light brunch instead, some people just aren't morning people.
We eat crumpets so why shouldn't babies? They are a bread product so are naturally full of carbohydrates to keep those little ones active and on the go providing all the energy they need.
Try using a variety of toppers to mix things up but always apply butter to soften the crumpets once toasted of course!
Tyler's personal favourites are marmalade (see picture below), chocolate spread, mixed fruit jam and crunchy peanut butter!
Crumpet with marmalade.
The All Day Baby Builders Breakfast
Well, well, well, builders have a big breakfast to keep them going? So why not feed your baby to keep them building sandcastles and stacking towers galore. Here is what to do....
  1. Boil an egg until it is hard boiled (approximately 5 minutes)
  2. Heat 3 table spoons of chopped tomatoes in the microwave for 30 seconds.
  3. Shallow fry or grill 1 sausage. If shallow frying, dry on kitchen towel afterwards to remove excess fat and grease.
  4. Toast  one slice of toast (wholemeal if your LO is over one).
  5. Slice egg into sections, cut toast into squares, chop sausage into small chunks.
  6. Arrange like a kebab, for example... egg, toast, sausage, tomatoes, egg, toast, sausage, tomatoes etc.
  7. Serve.
The final product.
You could also try using baked beans or mushrooms too! However, my LO does not like the texture of mushrooms one bit, but I'm working on a plan!
Tyler absolutely loved this and didn't use his fork much, he enjoyed using his hands to pick out the different colours and textures. He had been crying all day due to his teeth but this cheered him right up. Or it could of been his new Alan Sugar bib.
Mummy was not fired as head chef on this occasion.
Which would be most beneficial for your baby? The second meal idea of course! There is more energy provided to keep your little one going for longer, it has protein, vitamin c, vitamin e, carbohydrate, fibre and good fats. And babies require a slightly higher fat diet than adults because they need it to develop muscle quicker as the burn off their food quicker.
Let me know how you get on with these, and send in those all important pictures! 

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