Friday, 30 August 2013

THE Lunch Box Alternative

Cheese Scones
Yes, sandwiches get boring in those lunchboxes and there are only so many different sandwich fillers about. I got stuck in the rut of ham then marmalade then cheese then chicken then cheese with spinach then jam then back again... and bread just isn't very exciting for our little one's is it?
So, I took a simply sweet scone recipe and modified it to be baby friendly and savoury. Simples, and it is going to be simple for you too. The recipe should take 10 mins prep time, 10 mins cooking time and 10 mins cool down time plus it should cost no more than £2.80 to produce roughly 8-10 of these little munches.
Mine turned out a wee bit smaller because I used a small pastry cutter.
  • 8oz sifted plain flour (99p, Lidl)
  • 1 tsp cream of tartar (£2.80, Asda)
  • Half tsp bicarbonate of soda (£1, Lidl)
  • 1 tbsp. parmesan cheese (the powder type) (£3.50ish, Asda)
  • 2oz diced, unsalted butter (£1, Iceland)
  • Approximately 4floz whole milk (£1, Asda)
  • 2 slices mild cheddar cheese (£1.38, Lidl)
  • 2 triangles of spread cheese (£1.64 for 18, Lidl)
The Not-So Nitty Gritty
  1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and grease a baking tray and put to one side.
  2. Sift the plain flour into a mixing bowl and stir in the cream of tartar (this can be left out if preferred).
  3. Add the bicarbonate of soda and parmesan powder.
  4.  Rub in the diced butter until a breadcrumb texture is achieved.
  5.  Add enough milk (by eye and hand) to make a soft dough, this is usually around 4floz, maybe more.
  6. Place the dough on a floured surface and kneed lightly as if doing bread. Then roll the dough until its is approximately thumb thick. Use a medium size cutter to make the dough circles and put onto the baking tray.
  7. Add small squares of mild cheddar cheese to the tops of the rounds and glaze with milk.
  8. Put into the oven for roughly 10 mins or until a golden colour, but not too golden because they get tough. leave to cool for about 15 mins and slice in halves and add spread cheese.
  9. Ready to eat, now get stuck in!
What Little Monster Thought
   Well there are no pictures to this one, simply due to the fact that LO ate them so quick. He was intrigued when we opened his lunch box. There were no sandwiches in his foil and when I offered him the scones he was very cautious but once he tried it, he loved it! I couldn't keep up with him crawling around with his scone showing nanny and granddad the new golden food he had discovered!
  All in all? Fabulous! Definitely trying again soon but maybe cheese and spinach or cheese and ham? I found them quite tasty too. But I doubt very much they did my waistline any good at all.
  Well, there you have it , nice and simple and a bit different. Please let me know how you get on with this one and pictures are always, always loved! By the way, you may have seen this before if you have been reading Jessica Veltman's blog, Mom's the Word. If you haven't you should give her mommy blog a check, she covers all manner of mommy-related things and I enjoy reading it, so the chances are you might too!
and don't forget to give us a like on facebook!
Til Next time mummy and daddy's :)

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